
Elections and the right testicle

As a second or third class citizen of the Republic of Cyprus, I will not be able to vote in the elections just like most Turkish Cypriots. Please do not misunderstand me, I am actually quite happy that I am not voting, there is just too many excellent candidates, I wouldn’t be able to decide(!).

This is a common scenario in most elections in Cyprus but especially this coming one has a lot of dangers. I know that I am not qualified enough to vote because of my grand grandfather came to Cyprus from a different place than you first class Cypriots. Please hear me out though: Maybe by mistake, I grew up to be a clever, wise man although I come from “shillos” as you called back in 60s, 70s.

Throughout the years, you have allowed your two big parties rule you one after another, the last ones you chose were the great Communists, the ones who would change the system, unite Cyprus and bring the revolution.

I have been saying this for a long time but my voice was not heard so I will say it again. If your vote could change anything, they would not let you vote! It was not clear before, there were a lot of indirect pressure so it was not clear… but now? Now the economic organization of the global mafia is here. You still think the people you vote would change anything? Let’s be honest if you put a person like me(of course not me, a true Greek Cypriot being represented by a shillo is ridiculous) but lets say a Greek Cypriot like me to represent you, wouldn’t the mafia and the other big terrorist countries punish you?Would not they put sanctions and economic pressure on you?

Elections and the right testicle

The only way to break the circle is to not vote. I know some morons, knowing that I am referring to them, will say “But if you do not vote you let other people decide for you and it is your democratic right”. Re gare! Where is democracy now? You have put the most leftist people to represent you and they brought you the ugliest form of capitalism. You still think that you, as a citizen of Cyprus are controlling your country? This is a set-up! All the parties in the system are corrupted, the game is rigged, and I am sorry to tell you but someone has to, democracy is dead!

I want to say a few things about ELAM and the EDIK as well. They look so different right? Just like witch and the old, sweet lady who gave the apple to Snow white. If you want to move on to a better world, you have to put this in your head my friend.

Capitalism and nationalism together always end up in a situation like we are in right now and all the parties who support these should be banned. Then you can actually have some democracy, democracy is a dialectic, not a system that defies and attacks everything else and works for its own benefit. That is called cancer.

Nobody told you the truth. Nobody did not gave your money to the capitalists. Nobody loved you! So vote for nobody!

Note:The right testicle on the title has nothing to do with ELAM, EDIK and the other parties that have to do with nationalism and capitalism.It is just there to show my interest in Biology.I love the reproduction system.

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